Terdapat laporan di dalam syarikat Apple bahawa terdapat surat permohonan yang meminta agar syarikat gergasi elektronik untuk menyatakan sokongan terbuka terhadap penindasan di Palestin. Surat tersebut ditandatangani oleh ribuan pekerja dan dikeluarkan oleh Persatuan Muslim Apple (AMA).
Surat tersebut antaranya meminta agar Apple mengiktiraf penderitaan yang dialami penduduk Palestin terhadap pencerobohan haram tentera Israel. Di dalam surat itu tertulis, AMA menyatakan kekesalan terhadap ramai pihak berkuasa dan berpengaruh yang memilih untuk berdiam diri atau mengeluarkan kenyataan tidak berpihak terhadap situasi di Palestin.
AMA menegaskan bahawa mereka berdiri teguh dan tegas terhadap perjuangan komuniti kulit hitam dan coklat untuk menegakkan keadilan dan kesamarataan. Mereka juga menyokong usaha komuniti Asia dalam menghadapi serangan kebencian anti-Asia. Berdiam diri dalam isu Palestin, termasuk ramai pekerja di Apple sendiri, adalah sesuatu yang tidak lagi boleh dibiarkan, kerana ia salah.
AMA merayu agar Apple mengeluarkan kenyataan rasmi bahawa setiap nyawa di Palestin adalah penting dan mengiktiraf penindasan terhadap jutaan rakyat Palestin. Pada masa yang sama, AMA juga menjelaskan bahawa mereka tidak mengambil sebarang hak rakan berbangsa Yahudi di seluruh dunia dan tidak juga menyokong sebarang usaha keganasan dalam apa jua bentuk terhadap sesiapa di seluruh dunia.
Surat ini dikatakan telah dikeluarkan pada hari Isnin lepas tetapi ia masih tiada maklum balas oleh Apple. Kandungan penuh surat ini di dalam Bahasa Inggeris boleh dibaca di bawah ini:
An appeal from the Apple Muslim Association
We hope this messages reaches you in peace and well-being.
On behalf of the Apple Muslim Association, we write you with sadness, anger, frustration, and disappointment in our hearts.
We are sad and angry because we are once more reminded of the struggle and pain of the Palestinian people, and their decades-long existence under military occupation.
We are frustrated and disappointed because once more, many of those in positions of power and influence — who boldly stand for human rights in so many other just causes — either choose to remain silent or release ineffectually neutral “both sides” statements with regards to the Palestinian situation.
Many of us have had the privilege to grow up in free societies, where the rights of movement, safety, education and opportunity are commonplace. Yet even with all of these rights, ones that the Palestinian people are so often denied, Muslims (and also many of other beliefs) have been told not to discuss the topic of Palestine. We have been told it is “too complicated” to discuss this topic in school, and we have been told it is “too sensitive” for the workplace.
We are Muslims at Apple have enjoyed even more privilege — to work for a great company that has led the way not only on products, but on human rights issues. We in the AMA have expressed our solidarity and will continue to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our Black and Brown communities in their fight for justice and equity. We reached out to support and will continue to support our Asian communities in the face of anti-Asian hate and attacks. And we supported teammates from multiple nations as they dealt with the anxiety of the travel ban.
In all of these situations, the right thing to do was clear to us. For millions of Muslims, those communities simply ARE are own communities. And as we stand for them with full hearts, we also feel that staying silent on the plight of the Palestinian people of all faiths, and many of whom are our fellow Apple employees — is no longer something we can do. It is just not right.
Which is why we believe Apple’s public commitment to respecting internationally recognized human rights must also extend explicitly and clearly to the Palestinian people.
We humbly request:
That Apple makes clear, internally and externally, that we believe that Palestinian lives matter.
That Apple makes clear that, as determined by the United Nations, millions of Palestinian people currently suffer under an illegal occupation. And that this fact has been reasserted through numerous international resolutions and supported by hundreds of nations.
That apple makes clear that the above statement do NOT in any way take away from the human rights of our Jewish brothers and sisters worldwide.
That Apple makes clear that the above statements do NOT in any way advocate or support terrorism of any kind upon any people, worldwide.
That Apple DOES NOT make any statement referring to the Palestinian situation as a “conflict” “clash” or similar, as those words imply a power symmetry that simply does not exist.
That Apple DOES NOT make any statement referring to “both sides” or similar, as doing so would feel to us as the equivalent of “all lives matter” — a minimization of the disproportionately larger pain and suffering of the Palestinian people.
That Apple commit to spending equitable time and effort to learn about and engage with the Palestinian community, as we do for the many other diverse communities which make ip our company.
We are not naive to what we are asking. We realize the challenge it presents. Many of us in the Muslim community (and our allies) have faced criticism, bullying and in some cases physical attacks for speaking out and stating internationally-recognized facts in support of Palestinian human rights.
As one of the largest and most successful companies in the world, we believe Apple’s words and actions have the power to change lives. We believe this because we have seen Apple do it many times, bringing so much positive impact to the world. Conversely, we also know that silence creates a void where lives remain unchanged.
We look forward to engaging with you to discuss these requests, and do what Apple does best — have the courage to change things in this world for the better.
Yours in peace,
The Apple Muslim Association
Terdapat juga laporan lain di dalam syarikat Google bahawa sekumpulan pekerja berbangsa Yahudi, meminta agar Google menyata sokongan terhadap Palestin. Surat itu memanggil CEO Sundar Pichai dan pasukan pengurusan, mengutuk serangan terhadap Palestin dan menyatakan sokongan untuk memberi kebebasan bersuara di dalam syarikat termasuk menyuarakan pandangan anti-zionis. Mereka turut meminta supaya Google menamatkan sebarang kontrak perniagaan yang menyokong usaha penindasan Israel terhadap hak asasi Palestin, termasuk dengan Pasukan Pertahanan Israel.